I live in the M32 area of South Manchester.
I mess about with a CNC laser, router & lathe. I’ll post some projects here, from time to time, together with anything I think might be useful for “Makers”…
I’m a Boilermaker by trade, with extensive experience in commercial CNC operations. I’m finding it fascinating that the technology that used to cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, can now sit on your desk for a couple of hundred quid!
Also, on this site, everyone has the right of expression, no matter what the PC brigade think. My posts will reflect this. If you’re easily offended, go somewhere else.
Do research. Be informed. Be active in the best country in the world!
Online petitions are a great way to make your opinions known.
Change.org An online petition site.
Gov.uk To e-mail your MP directly.
If you think something is wrong, don’t just whinge to your friends, they’re likely to have the same opinion as you (that’s why they’re friends)… tell someone who can do something, who has clout.
If you don’t stand up to be counted, you don’t count.
Please don’t SPAM or otherwise be a prick, I take offence. Be nice, constructive & civilised. Users now have to be moderated, as I’ve been hit with so much crap from dickheads who think they can phish me or otherwise screw me up.