Category: Police
This is what GMP does when you get death threats…
Death threats made to her from some illiterate… for criticising Islam…
As we all know, the powers that be are frightened to death of any negative comments about that religion!
Thanks to CrimeBodge.
Police brutality.
Worst case of bullying I’ve seen for a long time. Please sign the petition. Kudos to CrimeBodge for helping her to get through the process.
Free speech is dead! A useful channel, fighting to stop the police/state from removing your freedoms. If you do your own research, you’ll start to get nightmares.
What has this guy done? Nothing. Just aired his views, which is why it was filmed by a concerned citizen. This guy might be off his rocker, but isn’t that what we stand for? Free speech?
This guy’s site is HERE. Any video of police abuse would be best served published. And yes, you ARE allowed to film the police!
Browse & be fearful. Or stand & fight, as you should.
Live your life frightened…
The United Kingdom’s counter-terrorism policing unit would like you to let them know if you see somebody doing something suspicious. Like buying a hammer.
LINK to article at
So, we are to live our lives frightened of everyday activities? No wonder that comments are disabled for this video. Really, really scary how this government is tackling the problem. Make a comment on Twatter? Get you door visited by the boys in blue. Get burgled? You’ll never see one.